We adopt the model of the United Nations Organization, to implement our own pedagogical model called NESMUN.
Among other things, the United Nations Organization was born to preserve world peace and foster international cooperation.
We take their model to develop our students…
- Social awareness
- Critical, proactive and creative thinking
This model is a simulation of the debate and decision-making system of issues pertaining the UN. Research is the most important tool of the program and the objective is for each student to assume the role of one of the representatives of the different countries that constitute the UN.
The school uses the Model United Nations with the following characteristics:
- All students of the school participate in its development.
- We have established three groups of students who deal with different problems.
- Tenth and eleventh grade students are dealing with international issues.
- Middle school deals with national problems.
- Elementary deals with Bogota D.C. issues.
We want to tell you more about our project.